Version 1.2.0
The supported controls are: cursor and joystick (port 1 and port 2).
In the case of cursor, space key is used as fire 1 and the “m” key as fire 2.
For one button joysticks, ubox_read_keys can be used to provide an alternative fire 2 button using the keyboard.
uint8_t ubox_read_ctl(uint8_t control);
Read the control identified by control
and return the
status of it.
Possible control values are:
Control | Description |
UBOX_MSX_CTL_CURSOR | Cursor for move, space for fire 1 and “m” for fire 2 |
UBOX_MSX_CTL_PORT1 | Joystick on port 1 |
UBOX_MSX_CTL_PORT2 | Joystick on port 2 |
UBOX_MSX_CTL_NONE | No control is selected. This is the default output of ubox_select_ctl |
The control status is a bit map with the following values:
Mask | Bit |
if (ubox_read_ctl(UBOX_MSX_CTL_CURSOR) & UBOX_MSX_CTL_UP)
// in the cursor, UP is on
uint8_t ubox_read_keys(uint8_t row);
Reads a row of the keyboard matrix and returns a bit map with the state of the keys in that row.
It is important to remember that there are different keyboard layouts and that there is no reliable way of detecting 100% of them.
Constants for the QWERTY layout are provided as
, and that covers the most common models.
// read row 7 that includes RET, SEL, BS, STOP, TAB, ESC, F5 and F4
uint8_t keys = ubox_read_keys(7);
if (keys & UBOX_MSX_KEY_ESC)
// ESC key is pressed
uint8_t ubox_select_ctl(void);
Waits for trigger on cursor (space or “m”) or any of the joysticks, and returns the selected control.
See ubox_read_ctl for possible control values.
void ubox_init_isr(uint8_t wait_ticks);
Installs and initializes the interrupt handler.
is the maximum number of interrupts that ubox_wait will wait. This value divides the
frequency at which the machine generates the vsync interrupt
(50Hz for PAL and 60Hz for NTSC).
Some common values are:
wait ticks | PAL | NTSC |
1 | 50 FPS | 60 FPS |
2 | 25 FPS | 30 FPS |
3 | 16.6 FPS | 20 FPS |
Where FPS is the number of frames per second desired to update the game logic.
// ubox_wait will wait for 2 ints (25 FPS)
This function must be called once before any of the interrupt and clock functions are used.
The installed interrupt handler uses HTIMI_HOOK
of replacing the BIOS handler.
The interrupt handler will save all registers. The shadow registers are not preserved or used.
For performance reasons the BIOS keyboard buffer and key repeat
functionality are disabled, and because of that some BIOS functions,
such as CHGET
, won’t work.
void ubox_reset_tick(void);
Sets ubox_tick
to zero.
is a 8-bit global variable that is incremented
on every interrupt.
void ubox_set_user_isr(void (*fn)(void));
Installs a user interrupt handler.
The function pointed by fn
doesn’t need to preserve any
registers because that is done by the main interrupt handler.
It is recommended that the user interrupt handler is short and uses the minimal amount of CPU cycles.
uint8_t tick = 0;
void my_isr()
// count interrupts
void ubox_wait(void);
Waits for a maximum wait_ticks
interrupts (see ubox_init_isr).
This function counts the interrupts (ticks) between between current
call to ubox_wait
and the previous one, and if less than
ticks have passed, it will wait.
This is used to ensure that the game loop used time is constant and hence the game plays smooth in case some updates are faster than others.
If the time passed between current ubox_wait
call and
the previous is larger than wait_ticks
, no waiting happens.
This may mean that the game loop takes longer than expected and, if that
happens frequently, it would be recommended to increase
value when calling ubox_init_isr.
// 25 FPS on PAL, 30 FPS on NTSC
// game loop example
while (1)
// ensure that one loop takes at least 2 interrupts
void ubox_wait_for(uint8_t frames);
Waits for frames
This is used to wait a fixed amount of time measured in frames.
Because frames
is 8-bit value, this funcion can only
wait for 255 frames in one single call.
// assuming PAL and wait_ticks 2
// wait for 10 seconds
These functions are not necessarily MSX 1 specific, but only MSX 1 functionality is documented.
Both the tiles and sprite functions target Screen 2 (256x192 pixels graphics mode).
The VRAM layout for Screen 2 is as follows:
Address range | Description |
0x0000-0x17ff | Background tiles |
0x1800-0x1aff | Background tile map |
0x1b00-0x1b7f | Sprite attributes |
0x2000-0x37ff | Background colors |
0x3800-0x3fff | Sprite patterns |
void ubox_disable_screen(void);
Disables the screen.
Any content drawn to the screen won’t be visible until the screen is enabled with ubox_enable_screen.
Note that ubox_set_mode also enables the screen.
void ubox_enable_screen(void);
Enables the screen.
uint8_t ubox_get_vsync_freq(void);
Returns the default interrupt frequency according to the BIOS.
Possible values are:
Value | Frequency |
0 | 60Hz |
1 | 50Hz |
void ubox_read_vm(uint8_t *dst, uint16_t len, const uint8_t *src);
Reads a block of len
bytes from src
(video memory) to dst
in memory.
void ubox_set_colors(uint8_t fg, uint8_t bg, uint8_t border);
Changes the screen colors.
First it sets FORCLR
(foreground) to fg
(background) to bg
to border
, and then makes them
// sets all three colours to black
ubox_set_colors(1, 1, 1);
void ubox_set_mode(uint8_t mode);
Sets the screen mode to mode
This is a list of the different MSX 1 modes:
Mode | Name | Description |
0 | Screen 0 | 40x24 text mode |
1 | Screen 1 | 32x24 colored text mode |
2 | Screen 2 | 256x192 graphics mode |
3 | Screen 3 | 64*48 block graphics multicolor mode |
// sets Screen 2
#define ubox_wait_vsync() do { \
__asm; \
halt \
__endasm; \
} while(0)
This macro waits for the vsync interrupt.
Interrupts must be enabled or this code will block indefinitely.
// code to run after the int
void ubox_write_vm(uint8_t *dst, uint16_t len, const uint8_t *src);
Writes a block of len
bytes from src
memory to dst
in VRAM (video memory).
// copy 4 sprites attributes from a buffer to the
// sprite attribute table in Screen 2 mode
ubox_write_vm((uint8_t*)0x1b00, 4 * 4, buffer);
void ubox_wvdp(uint8_t reg, uint8_t data);
Writes data
to the reg
VDP register.
This function is used to setup the VDP, for example to enable 16x16 sprites.
The VDP has 8 registers, from 0 to 7. For example, it is common to use register 1 to enable 16x16 sprites.
The control bits in register 1 are:
Bit | Description |
0 | Enable sprite zoom (x2) |
1 | Enable 16x16 sprites (default is 8x8) |
2 | Not used |
3 | Enable Mode M2, Screen 3 (block) |
4 | Enable Mode M1, Screen 0 (text) |
5 | Enable v-blank interrupt |
6 | Enable screen output control |
7 | VRAM size control (0: 4K, 1: 16K) |
Please refer to Portar Doc for further info on VDP registers.
// reg 1: activate sprites, v-blank int on, 16x16 sprites
ubox_wvdp(1, 0xe2);
All the functions require screen 2 (256x192 graphics mode, see ubox_set_mode).
struct sprite_attr {
uint8_t y;
uint8_t x;
uint8_t pattern;
uint8_t attr;
Structure to define sprite attributes.
Field | Description |
x |
The horizontal position of the sprite on the screen. |
y |
The vertical position of the sprite on the screen. This coordinate starts in -1 (0xff) instead of 0. |
pattern |
The index in the sprite pattern table. When 16x16 sprites are enabled, the lower two bits are ignored (4 regular 8x8 sprites form one 16x16 sprite). |
attr |
The sprite attributes. The bits 0-3 are used for color and bit 7 is EC (Early Clock). |
When EC is enabled, the sprite is displaced 32 pixels to the left.
void ubox_set_sprite_attr(const struct sprite_attr *attr, uint8_t sprite);
Sets the sprite attributes of sprite number sprite
the attributes pointed by attr
is the index in the sprite table of Screen 2.
See struct sprite_attr description for details on the sprite attributes.
ubox_set_sprite_attr(&player_sprite_attr, 0);
To set the attributes of multiple sprites that are contiguous in the
sprite table, it is recommended to use ubox_write_vm. The sprite attribute table is
in the memory address 0x1b00
void ubox_set_sprite_pat16(const uint8_t *data, uint8_t pattern);
Sets the sprite pattern data pointed by data
pattern number pattern
is the index in the sprite pattern table of
Screen 2.
This function will set a 16x16 pixels pattern. The pattern is equivalent to setting four 8x8 patterns (upper left, lower left, upper right and lower right).
See ubox_set_sprite_pat8 to set a 8x8 pixels pattern.
void ubox_set_sprite_pat16_flip(const uint8_t *data, uint8_t pattern);
Sets the sprite pattern data pointed by data
pattern number pattern
, flipping the pattern data
is the index in the sprite pattern table of
Screen 2.
This function will set a 16x16 pixels pattern. The pattern is equivalent to setting four 8x8 patterns (upper left, lower left, upper right and lower right).
See ubox_set_sprite_pat8_flip to set a 8x8 pixels pattern.
void ubox_set_sprite_pat8(const uint8_t *data, uint8_t pattern);
Sets the sprite pattern data pointed by data
pattern number pattern
is the index in the sprite pattern table of
Screen 2.
This function will set a 8x8 pixels pattern.
See ubox_set_sprite_pat16 to set a 16x16 pixels pattern.
void ubox_set_sprite_pat8_flip(const uint8_t *data, uint8_t pattern);
Sets the sprite pattern data pointed by data
pattern number pattern
, flipping the pattern data
is the index in the sprite pattern table of
Screen 2.
This function will set a 8x8 pixels pattern.
See ubox_set_sprite_pat16_flip to set a 16x16 pixels pattern.
All the functions require screen 2 (256x192 graphics mode, see ubox_set_mode).
void ubox_fill_screen(uint8_t tile);
Fills the screen with the tile from current tile set identified by
See ubox_set_tiles for for information on how to set a tile set.
uint8_t ubox_get_tile(uint8_t x, uint8_t y);
Returns the tile index at position (x
and y
units are tiles, and both are 0
void ubox_put_tile(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, uint8_t tile);
Puts a tile from current tile set on the screen. The tile is
identified by index tile
and placed on position
and y
units are tiles, and both are 0
// put the tile with index 1 on the top left corner of the screen
ubox_put_tile(0, 0, 1);
This function is expensive and it performs two calls to the VDP that must keep the state between them. In case the interrupt handler performs operations with the VDP, this function shouldn’t be used.
To put multiple tiles in a row, use ubox_write_vm instead. The tile map is in the
memory address 0x1800
Example putting multiple tiles:
// write a complete row of tiles (32) from a buffer
ubox_write_vm((uint8_t *)0x1800, 32, buffer);
void ubox_set_tiles(const uint8_t *tiles);
Sets the current tile set to the tile set pointed by
The tile set is expected to have 256 tiles (8x8 pixels, 8 bytes per tile) and it will be loaded into the VDP in all three screen sections.
All the tiles functions use an index in this tile set (usually via a
void ubox_set_tiles_colors(const uint8_t *colors);
Sets the current color table for current tile set to the color table
pointed by colors
The color table is expected to have the 8 color rows for each of the 256 tiles of the tiles table (8 rows, 8 bytes per tile). The colors will be loaded into the VDP in all three screen sections.
Copyright © 2020-2025 Juan J. Martinez jjm at
Licensed CC
BY NC SA 4.0.