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I am coding, season 2

Obviously, the part about it being the start of season 2 is a joke (isn’t it?), but I’ve uploaded a new video to my coding sessions.

I mentioned this in my latest weekly update, that I feel like recording a few of these, partially because some of the videos of my original experiment are OK and partially because they may work as motivation to keep working on my projects. Sharing my progress has always worked for me, not only because of the feedback –positive and negative–, but also because gamedev as a solo developer can be a bit lonely.

I have reviewed my OBS setup to make things look a better –and 1080p!–. I have only one screen, so it is awkward, but definitely better than the previous videos. Hopefully going back to make these periodically will help me to tweak my settings to improve the result, as opposed to making a video every few months and not remembering how things work –and that’s why the previous video back in January sounds terribly bad–. Not that is too important, considering that the content will be the same –me coding–.

Anyway, the direct link to the video is here: reidrac is CODING 22: working on Outpost (ZX Spectrum 48K). It is a bit over 1 hour, which is longer than planned; ideally I’d like to keep these around the 45 minutes mark.

This week in gamedev #10

This week has been very varied, with some unexpected things potentially happening!

ZX Spectrum 48K: Outpost

I have a working title for my ZX Spectrum game: Outpost.

I finally decided to not use the title I was planning for the cancelled sequel to Castaway, although I really like it. Unfortunately it would require a good amount of story to explain it, and Outpost is direct, makes the actual place a character, and according to Spectrum Computing the name is not taken –not that is too important, unless is a well known game–.

I drew the title for menu, and for now that’s it.


The menu (colour cycle not shown)

Another thing that I got out of the way is the map encoding. I’ve implemented metatiles in a way that is not too annoying, thanks to a good amount of Python.

The basic idea is that I keep a tileset image and a metatiles image. When processing them, I generate the tileset normally –the monochrome data, and a tile/attribute map, all tiles of 8x8 pixels–, and a table that translates 2x2 meta tiles (16x16 pixels) to indexes in the tile/attribute map. The converter will find the 4 tiles that are part of a metatile by matching image data.

Then in tiled I draw my screens using the metatiles, and the game will expand them to use regular tiles before drawing, collision detection, etc. The result is very clean, and the only bit that is slightly cumbersome is having to keep both tiles and metatiles images in sync when I’m just trying graphics, but is not too bad and eventually both tiles and tilesets will be stable and it would be just level design.

It is hard to tell exact numbers, but looking at my test screens, the map data went from around 100 bytes to around 50 bytes, without limiting in the level design –other than the number of metatiles, but being 4 bytes per metatile, I don’t thing it will be a problem–.

There’s also the space used by entities, and there aren’t much savings there, so I calculated how many screens I can include in the game, and I’m aiming at 80 or 90. It should fit!

I’ve started with the level design already, stopping to implement engine features as I need them, and the game is starting to look good!

Things going cold, and a possible comeback

Unfortunately the MSX RPG is on hold, or shall I say cancelled? As I mentioned previously, I got to the conclusion that what I think that would work with MSX 1 restrictions is either:

  • not looking good –in my humble opinion–, so it is putting me off.
  • not the game I want to make.
  • although it may work, it would require a lot of graphics that I can’t draw.

Being a type of game that is likely to be a long time commitment, I can’t keep putting time on it unless I’m reasonably certain that I can finish the game.

That doesn’t mean all the bits I have done already are wasted, because I’ve learnt a few things and it is likely that I know another 8-bit system that it would be a better match for this project –sorry, is not the MSX2; there are a few RPGs on that system and I’m not sure I would be able to contribute anything new–.

On the MSX camp, I had several contributions to ubox MSX libs –all from Pedro de Medeiros; thank you!–, and those have reminded me that I didn’t document the tools used to build the example game.

In reality I wasn’t sure if I wanted to document those, as they are not really required to build games, but Pedro is keen to use them, and is not always obvious how they work. It is still a work in progress, but I hope the tools will be fully documented soon.

Finally, it is possible that “@reidrac is CODING” videos may have a comeback –second season?–. My inspiration has been on and off lately, and after a while, I must confess some of the videos I recorded aren’t too bad. It is possible that making very focused videos may spice things a bit and help me to get things done.

The maker controversy

First of all I want to clarify that in this post I’m focusing on 8-bit games, but you can find similar controversies and attitudes around makers in any gamedev market (see Game Maker Studio or Unity, for example).

It is a bit unfortunate that there is a lot of gatekeeping in the retro-community, and it has many forms: people that advocate using only the real hardware –dismissing those aficionados that use emulators, or even FPGAs–, what type of screen you must use (CRTs vs anything else), games must push the machines to their limits –if the game is fun or not, who cares?–, or that true gamedevs use ASM. Without being an excuse, I understand that this is a hobby and people are passionate and intense about it. And the gatekeepers are extremely loud!

As you can see, I’m also biased –everybody is, as long as you have an opinion–. Perhaps I’m in the let people enjoy things camp, which I hope can’t be considered gatekeeping.

One of the recurrent topics in all these discussions is how games made with makers –tools or frameworks that help you to make games, for example AGD or The Mojon Twins’ MKs–, are looked down as less quality games.

And it is true that you can find games that aren’t great, but that’s not necessarily because the way they are made, but because other reasons. It could be because the author didn’t use an original idea, or didn’t know how to use the tools, or directly because they reused too much from the basics that the tools offer, resulting in a game that it too similar to other games made with that tool. It could be as well that you don’t like the game.

However, in my opinion, that doesn’t mean it is because the tools –although they may have limitations, like any game engine, like I do have my own limitations as programmer because of time, interests or skills–. When you are playing a game and you are having fun (or not) you can’t say that is is because the tools that were used to make it, and that’s because those tools allow a wide range of results, all depending on the author’s skills using it.

Sure, you can have a flickering mess than moves slowly on the screen and ruins any chance of enjoyment, but the truth is that those cases are very unlikely because these makers tend to have a more than acceptable technical level –although I’m sure any tool, doesn’t matter how good it is, can deliver terrible results in the wrong hands–.

We got to the point where a very atmospheric game such as Nosy for the ZX Spectrum gets a good score on Crash Micro Action #2 (90%, with a Crash Smash!), and people complain and argue that the score is too high because the game was made with a maker. Apparently there are even people saying that any game made with a maker should have a 20% penalty, under the argument that it is unfair to compare this game –again, made with a maker– with masterpieces such as Aliens: Neoplasma.

(Edit 2021-06-09 19:00:00 BST: I’m referring to what I’ve been told, despite the original post not saying exactly that. The complaint was about the score and the Crash Smash, and the fact that the game was made with the MK1 engine was used to support the opinion that it is an average game. The post suggested that the score should be reduced by a 20% in all categories, and not that all games made with makers should score less. That was the origin of the controversy around Nosy, and it adds to the usual criticism of makers –and the community drama–. The post in question can be read in FB’s Crash Annual and Magazine public group)

We are living a new golden age for the 8-bit microcomputers. Despite being past their time, we keep getting new games, that are made by people putting a lot of love on them. And because people do things for love –most of these games a free as well–, you have games targeting the ZX Spectrum 48K, ZX Spectrum 128K, ZX Spectrum Next –I can hear gatekeepers screaming “that’s not a Spectrum!”–, or even games that use modern hardware add-ons such as Dandanator cartridges. All at the same time, with some people stuck in 1985, others in 1990, and some others living in the future! How can you compare all those games in different time-lines?

I don’t feel like deciding here how Crash reviews should be written, even if I have an opinion and not always agree with the reviews –which, by the way, is just another opinion–. I’m just happy that they exist, and the same goes with all those makers and people making games with them. Please, don’t stop!

I wish we could have a bit less gatekeeping, so everybody was welcome no matter how they want to enjoy this hobby. We can all help, by politely asking to those shouting to be a bit quieter.

This week in gamedev #9

Early morning post of this week in gamedev!

ZX Spectrum 48K

After implementing support for floating bus –that at the end works in all models, with fall-back to vsync; useful for clones and inaccurate emulators–, I continued adding features to the engine:

  • Tweaks to the jump and gravity.
  • Collision detection for the enemies, so the player can lose lives and die.
  • Pick ups, that will be an important component in the game (key/door puzzles).
  • One special pick up: “the blaster”. I’ve decided to replicate the behaviour I used in Castaway, so the blaster needs time to charge between shots. In Castaway that was to hide a limitation of the engine, but in this game I like it because it adds strategy!
  • And, of course, lots of fixes (with new bugs introduced, probably).

Some of these features were difficult to implement. This is the first time I’m working with a XOR engine –the sprites are drawn using the XOR function, and erased applying the same function with the same exact sprite–, and works well, but it is tricky to add or remove entities mid-loop.

At the end the solution was clean: I just needed to adjust the process by adding an extra draw or erase when I add or remove an entity mid-loop. For example: when the player uses the blaster, the game loop expects the projectile sprite to be there to be erased before drawing the next frame, so I have to perform one extra draw so there’s something to erase.

This is done sometimes out of sync, or waiting for the floating bus if is a big change –for example: erase an enemy that is being destroyed and draw the first frame of the explosion–, and in general the result is very nice. Not completely perfect when the drawing happens on the top of the screen, but this is one of the cases where aiming for perfection wouldn’t be useful.

Currently I only have implemented the “extra life” and the blaster pick ups, and any other is just added to the inventory –not really, is just drawing them in the HUD–. I added support for persistence via a bitmap, so those items don’t respawn and I can check for the specific bit as a flag to see if the player has collected that pick up.

For now the enemies respawn when you leave and re-enter the screen, but I may experiment with some ideas. For example: the enemies’ respawn could be conditional, making the game a bit more interesting and opening the door to some exciting game design.

I’m trying to decide what I’m going to do with the game map. I started using a basic 8-bit per tile map with compression, like in Brick Rick (for the ZX Spectrum), because it is easy and allowed me to progress with the engine, but the screens use a bit too much memory. That wasn’t a problem with Brick Rick because I was aiming to the 128K models, but this game is 48K.

I have used different approaches in different projects, so at this point I don’t think I’m going to find anything ground-breaking that I haven’t used before. It is more about deciding that I’m going to be happy with the restrictions the encoding will introduce. For example, Kitsune’s Curse uses packing with 4-bit per tile plus some programmatic definitions of the map, with the downside of having to define tilesets of 16 tiles –not the end of the world, but makes level design a bit harder–.

I have some ideas that are a variation of what I used in Brick Rick (for the Amstrad CPC this time), but I’m not too excited because it is an encoding that would make using tiled less nice, although it could reduce the maps about 50% compared with current memory wasting encoding.

Meanwhile, the game doesn’t have a name yet. It is more and more likely that it will be a sequel –or prequel?– to Castaway, so perhaps I should use the name I had planned for that: Starblind.


I have started exploring a bit of code for that crazy idea of making a CRPG –which I guess is more a western role playing game than a classic JRPG; oh, labels!–.

Currently I have a nice menu system, but I’m struggling with the MSX1 restrictions; and I don’t want to use MSX2. Which is not a complete waste of time, because I’m getting to the conclusion that I should focus on what is that the MSX can do, and then implement the mechanics I want for the game.

Later on I could get the core of the engine and, perhaps, use a different 8-bit system to implement the game I had in mind initially. But that sounds like a project for next year, so we will see!

ZX Spectrum floating bus

A couple of days ago I added some sound effects to my ZX Spectrum 48K “work in progress” game, and I found that the few cycles the beeper engine uses in the interrupt handler broke my tight timing and, specially on the top of the screen, there will be flicker when drawing a few sprites on the same line. Which is a shame.

Initially I thought that it wasn’t a big deal but, because how I decided to implement coloured sprites, the flickering is specially ugly –to my eyes, at least–. So I knew about a technique that allows you some extra time besides the one you get by syncing with the interrupt: The Definitive Programmer’s Guide to Using the Floating Bus Trick on the ZX Spectrum, by Ast A. Moore.

From that page:

In the context of the ZX Spectrum, the floating bus trick refers to exploiting a hardware quirk of these machines, where a value being read by the ULA from the data bus can also be read by the CPU.

Which in a nutshell means you can prepare some specific data on screen, usually in the colour attributes, and listen to the ULA using the floating bus trick to sync with it when it is processing that specific data.

For example: in my game I have drawn a “HUD” –head-up display; in a computer game, the part of the screen that shows information like the number of lives left or the score– with a specific colour attribute not used anywhere else in the game, and then I have a specifically timed routine that listens the floating bus to wait until the ULA is processing those attributes. Because the attributes are in the bottom of the drawable screen, I get extra time to draw my sprites –the HUD and the bottom border–.

Floating bus

Testing my routines

On that screenshot of the game I’m drawing a red line on the border when I sync with the HUD attributes after listening to the floating bus. And with that extra time, the flickering is gone!

Initially it was thought that this trick didn’t work on +2A/+3 models. I had a +2A back in the day and I can confirm that a lot of games –specially for 48K models– didn’t work on my machine. Ast did some excellent research a few years ago and he came up with an implementation for those models. It only took 30 years!

Just as an example –you should read Ast’s article–, this is my current version of the code:

; HUD attr: bright paper cyan, black ink
; will OR 1 in +2A/+3 models
BUS_ATTR equ 0x68

        ld a, (0x0b53)
        cp #0x7e
        jr z, other_bus
        ld a, #0x40
        in a, (0xff)
        cp #BUS_ATTR
        jp nz, wait_bus_loop
        xor a
        ld a, (#0x5800)
        ld a, #0x0f
        in a, (0xfd)
        cp #(BUS_ATTR | 1)
        jp nz, other_bus
        xor a

It looks like the floating bus is tricky to implement on emulators. The “classic” floating bus is perfectly emulated by almost all emulators, but the floating bus of the +2A/+3 models is not widely supported. I don’t have an list, but I have confirmed RVM and CLK support it fine!

I detect the +2A/+3 models and just branch to the special sync code for them. If the floating bus is not there, the code will loop forever. That could be avoided by detecting if the floating bus exists before hand and falling back to use vsync –even if that means flickering sprites–, but that’s probably not necessary as it works in real hardware and most emulators using 48K models.

This week in gamedev #8

Oh, looks like it is Thursday again. Let’s see what happened in my gamedev time!

Unnamed programming language

As I mentioned in my previous update, I was investigating a scripting solution, but somehow I got distracted in the process. Which is OK, sometimes these distractions lead to good things.

So far I’ve implemented a recursive descent parser for a C-alike language –although I’m using something closer to Scala syntax–, and I can go through the abstract syntax tree and generate something.

And that was fun, but I need to start writing tests and perhaps emit code so I can prove that my language design makes sense.

If I want to use this in any of my 8-bit projects, I probably want to generate something that is useful in those cases. I could compile to Z80 ASM that integrates well with SDCC tools, which sounds very hard –and very interesting at the same time–; or perhaps bytecode for a simple VM, which is probably easier and a more achievable task.

But then I thought that writing the VM itself would be a non-trivial amount of work, so I had the “brilliant idea” to generate WAT (WebAssembly Text), which looks like ASM that can be compiled to be run in a WA (WebAssembly) virtual machine. And so far has been very interesting, and not as complicated as I was expecting. It is also useful that the nuances of generating code to run on WA are helping me to refine the language design, even if that means I’m also being influenced by WA.

This is a code example:

def fac(acc: dword, n: dword): dword
  if (n == 0)
    fac(n * acc, n - 1);

fac(1, 10);

And this is the resulting WAT code:

  (func (result i32)
    i32.const 1
    i32.const 10
    call $fac
  (func $fac (param $acc i32) (param $n i32) (result i32)
    local.get $n
    i32.const 0
    if (result i32)
      local.get $acc
      local.get $n
      local.get $acc
      local.get $n
      i32.const 1
      call $fac
  (export "lang.main" (func 0))

I got to a point where the WAT generation has “revealed” some inconsistencies in my language design and I need to revisit it, which is perfect, because it means the project can grow with less chances of getting to a dead end.

I’m implementing it all in Python with type hints and mypy via a Python LSP server, and I’m really enjoying the experience. Initially I thought the type annotations were slowing me down, but in reality it was all my fault because my code wasn’t great. Now it feels a lot like writing Scala, and it is saving me a lot of time by finding bugs early –plus the better code design to make mypy happy–.

I don’t have a name, and is not a problem; but surely a name would be useful if this project has any future.

More ZX Spectrum 48K coding

Arguably this went a bit cold. Firstly because I spent some time writing a beeper engine, and after that because writing a compiler –see previous point– is fun!

In reality I was thinking about it, because I need a game idea before I can make the game itself. I’m still undecided, but I’m leaning towards a platform game, probably what “Starblind” was going to be before I moved into a more top-down multi-directional scroll idea, that was kind of interesting as a tech demo, but there was never a proper game idea behind it. I’m not looking to make a genre-shaking game, only something that is fun to play and has a good speccy 48K vibe.

I’ve been planning on how to encode the map data reducing the memory footprint as much as possible. In Brick Rick on the speccy 128K I had lots of memory, so I didn’t bother doing anything smart –just good old compression–; but that won’t do it in a 48K game, even if the engine itself doesn’t use a lot of memory. For now I have some ideas on paper, but it is a bit too early to start writing a prototype.

Other than that, I’m trying to clarify what are going to be the features supported by the game engine. So far far I have:

  • Flick-screen platforming action, probably with object based puzzles.
  • A large map area, or at least not small.
  • Different sprite sizes; I’m testing a spaceman sprite that is 16x24 pixels, but enemies are likely to be 16x16.
  • Colour sprites for the enemies, because the type of sprites I’m using, the background will be mostly black; so it makes sense to use coloured sprites.
  • No buffering, drawing directly on the screen!

And that last point is what has kept me busy this week, mostly.

I knew that my sprite routines aren’t the fastest you can write, but Brick Rick uses hardware double buffer (I write to the back-screen, and swap with the visible screen when finished), so it didn’t matter at all because the game updates a 16FPS, so updating 1 of every 3 frames leaves more than enough time to update the game state and draw.

In this project I don’t have that nice hardware support, and I don’t have memory either! So I’m reducing scope, for example, by using XOR sprites (instead of masked) and limiting the backgrounds (mostly black). But the sprite routines aren’t fast enough to draw enough things in one frame, so I was getting flickering all over the place.

Although I’m still testing, I’ve decided to do something similar to Brick Rick’s approach: if you can’t update all the screen in one frame, that’s fine because our target is not the 50 frames per second but 16. The only difference is that I don’t have a back buffer to compose the scene and then make it visible in one step –or fast enough so there is no flickering–. But, what if I can spread the updates in several frames?

If you run the game slow enough you can see that the sprites are drawn on the screen in groups –or at least that’s what I meant!–, but because all the game state is updated at the same time, is not noticeable.

This is not a technical marvel, is more about hiding that my sprite routines aren’t fast enough. Combined with some code to sort the sprites so the groups are optimal, I can move a good number of thins on screen without any flicker –most of the time, at least!–.

So far I’m happy. I’ll keep testing and if it is confirmed that this idea is stable enough, that may be the base for the game engine!

Remote pair programming

I know I wrote “remote” on the title of this post, but I have this theory that what I’m going to discuss here is not really a problem with remote pair programming, but with pair programming itself.

In my team we do pair programming, and we like it. We are completely on board with the benefits, and we are happy to assume the few small costs that come with it. Of course, with the COVID situation we have been working from home for over a year now, and we have been doing pair programming remotely; including with team members that have joined the company (and the team) remotely, so we haven’t met in person.

And we have made it work, essentially, using Google Hangouts sharing the screen –which is not very good to be honest, in my experience Skype provides better video quality with less bandwidth–, and that’s basically it. It is exhausting, but in my experience I wouldn’t say more than non-remote pair programming sessions.

Unfortunately this is somewhat limited, because it means that one person is driving, and the other person is in the back-seat. Not having the keyboard doesn’t mean you are not actively contributing, but taking turns driving is too awkward because the code has to be made available to the other person, for example via a WIP branch on a git repo.

There are better options, that allow easily taking turns, or even work on the same code at the same time collaboratively. Some examples of these tools are:

  • tmate: for any terminal based editor and tmux aficionados.
  • Live Share: for VS Code only, that allows collaboratively edit and debug in real time.

There are a few more options, but these are probably the most popular in my circles.

Looking at my team, we have a very diverse set of skills, and we use very different editors: one vim, one emacs, and two VS Code.

I think it is pretty clear what is the issue if we try to take turns driving a pair programming session, isn’t it? And I have the theory that this is not really a problem with the remote part of it.

I’m sure we would have the same problem if we were in the same office, sharing keyboard an mouse –which I don’t find comfortable at all–. Am I proficient with emacs or VS Code? No, I’m not.

I remember attending a conference back in Guildford –if I recall correctly–, and there was a talk by someone from Pivotal Labs. It was more like they were selling some product, but I remember clearly how they explained their experience with pair programming, and how one of the requirements was that there was one editor, with one configuration, and all the software engineer seats were exactly the same, without any customization.

The idea was that any developer could use any seat to write code like they were on their own computer, basically because all computers were the same (and I may add, they would love if all their engineers were the same and replaceable).

I found that fascinating, and of course I would never want to work on a company like that. By stripping all engineers of any personality and any chance to express themselves through their tools and whatever makes them productive and happy, they optimised their teams for pair programming. I’m not even sure that’s good for the company.

So we keep looking around and checking tools periodically, but I suspect we are not going to find a solution. Because it may come with a price –like the case of Pivotal– that we may not want to pay.

The Return of Traxtor source code

I have released the source code of The Return of Traxtor (CPC), a game written in C for the Amstad CPC (64k or more; so all models).

This is my second open source release after I made public the code of Castaway, for the ZX Spectrum. Looks like there is a trend now!

This one requires SDCC to build, plus some other requirements for different tools. The idea is not to provide a current version of the game, but the game as it was built back in 2015. That means an old version of SDCC is required, mostly because at some point the project changed some of the tools to manage libraries, and that change wasn’t backwards compatible.

This is probably OK because the old versions of the compiler are still available, and the game’s source code is interesting mostly as a reading exercise anyway. The only big warning is that some of the dependencies have bugs that have been fixed in later releases, so if you want to start a new project, don’t use the versions included in this repo!

Surprisingly enough, this project doesn’t have anything really embarrassing, although is not what I would call a “current” code base. It is poorly organised, with one big file, and SDCC is not the fastest compiler out there. Despite that, overall I think it is still very readable and could be useful to learn a bit about making games in C for the Amstrad CPC.

When I was testing that the game was building correctly, I’m pleased to say that it is still fun puzzle game with cracking music (if I say so myself).

Finally, I don’t plan to provide any support. I know I said that when I released Castaway and then I accepted a contribution to make the codebase compile with a current version of Z88DK; but I really mean it: if you want to compile the game, you are on your own! There may be some bumps, but take it as part of the learning experience.

If you’re gamedev, doesn’t matter if retro or not, I recommend you reading the complete guide for open sourcing video games.

This week in gamedev #7

This week has flown by, and my day job has been quite draining, but today is Thursday and that means gamedev update!

Released my ZX Spectrum 48k beeper engine

That could explain why this week I have been a bit low, because working on this little project was kind of intense, and when one of those ends, it always leaves some emptiness.

The project lives in beeper engine for the ZX Spectrum 48K, in GitHub.

Although it is ready to use, there are some things that I may probably add later on:

  • More ASM versions of the player. Currently I provide the primary source for he SDCC assembler, that is not the most common syntax. I hope other people using it will contribute other versions.
  • Currently the player doesn’t preserve the border color (and there’s a FIXME for that). I may or may not use that, but I guess it is something that is missing for general use.

Everything else is in place and working, to the extent that I have tested it, of course. I’m mostly concerned about the editor having bugs, but I will fix those when they are reported.

Investigating a scripting solution

Although most of my games are very data driven, I have never implemented scripting for any of them. We are talking 8-bit games here, so is not about making the games extensible, but to save memory by using very high level functions in a very dense virtual machine (the script would be more like bytecode).

Looking at existing art that is open source, Na_th_an (from Mojon Twins fame), has implemented scripting on his MK1 NES engine, with a compiler written in BASIC –I love it–.

This solution is very close to the data driven approach I’ve used for example in Rescuing Orc and Dawn of Kernel, were all the data is entered using tiled, and then packed into binary by a Python script.

Tiled rocks

A text event in Dawn of Kernel

In Dawn of Kernel for example, there’s a “text” event that, when present, it will display a message from Kernel –the enemy IA–. That saves space and makes game design easier, but there’s no game logic on that data, and that’s something the scripting engine should support.

In reality I should start a project, and then look to implement a simple scripting engine if I need it. Ah, if only things were that simple!

Anyway, I’ve always been into programming languages –specially compilers and interpreters–. Together with operating system design, those topics were my main interest back in Uni. Fortunately I gave up with the operating system part, but every now and then I have the itch to implement a programming language. From silly toy languages to a 6502 VM for 8-bit AVR, so getting myself to write such an engine can be dangerous for my free time!

For now I’ve looking to some interesting resources:

The idea would be around the following points:

  • A high level language to access and manipulate game state.
  • A compiler to translate that language to bytecode.
  • Execute the bytecode in a tight VM, written in the target platform (likely to be Z80).
  • Integrate the VM in the game loop.

I’m not sure if is worth moving all the entity information I usually encode in the map data into this language, because the way it works now is very optimal and I really like using tiled to place the entities in the map –it makes game design nicer–. Perhaps this is about including labels on the script and refer to those labels in the map data, so a part of the script is run as an entity. That could allow supporting game logic easily, keeping the benefit of both approaches.

Hopefully I’ll start a project soon and we will see if any of this makes any sense!

This week in gamedev #6

Is it Thursday? No, but is close enough to see what happened this week in gamedev!

ZX Spectrum 48K beeper engine

I have always been fascinated by the different beeper sound engines produced in the 80s for the ZX Spectrum, and some of the modern ones too –see the work of utz/irrlicht project–. It is truly amazing how that sounds, considering that it is 1-bit audio.

Until now I was happy using the tools/engines released by Shiru, his BeepFX is probably the best you can get in 1-bit audio. There is a downside though, because to reach that level of sound quality, it has to use all the Z80 CPU actively, and that means interrupting your game. If the sounds are short enough is OK, but not perfect.

So a potential solution to this is running a beeper engine from the interrupt, which means the sound quality will be low because the Spectrum has only one interruption at 50Hz, and limiting the time you spend by frame so the sound won’t interrupt the game’s action (noticeably, at least; we know the interrupt interrupts). And you can also stop the sound being played, replacing it with another sound every 50Hz.

I’ve been working on an engine that is borrowing ideas from the engine used by Steve Turner in games such as Ranarama. Although there’s an disassembly of his routines –allegedly, I can’t confirm that is his code–, I don’t want to use it without permission and I feel it is too complicated and has features that, honestly, I don’t fully understand how to use.

My engine supports two types of sound: tone (square) and noise (random). Both can last for a specific number of frames, support a configurable frequency (that can “slide”), and is possible to link effects.

The engine is small, uses little CPU, and each effect is 4 bytes. Obviously I could support more things, but I feel I can get enough range of sounds to make a game without getting too deep in all the details Turner uses in his engine. The sound quality is low anyway, so for example it is very hard to tell the difference between square and sawtooth waves.

I’m also working on a sound editor, that uses a Z80 emulator library to run the Z80 player and collect sound samples to play the audio on a PC that is very close to what you get on a ZX Spectrum emulator.

I’m not sure how far I’m going to get with this, but it is likely I will release the final product as open source for anyone to use (with out without modifications, so you can change anything you don’t like).

sfxed WIP

The effect editor (WIP)